Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sick Days and Cabin Fever

Well, Emmy has had some sort of flu bug the past three days. It has been hard for both of us to stay home all day long! She is such a good girl when she's sick, just extra tired and not wanting to eat anything. I know she is so tired of being in the house though, I can tell by the way she acts. She misses Tyler and probably Target, since we are there so much! Today she is feeling a lot better - she didn't puke this morning (hallelujah!) - so we get to get out of the house.

Here are some sick day pictures. Special thanks to PaPa for buying new toys this past weekend, its nice to have something new to play with when you have cabin fever!


Dannenbergs said...

Once they start to walk you have to re-baby proof, but it is so much fun when they start to walk. I loved it because Paul wasn't eating dirt as often. I hope you don't catch the flu from Emmy.