Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sometimes I Go Crazy ................

waiting for my daughter to wake up from her 'everlong' naps! I know some of you fellow mothers out there are probably making voodoo dolls that look like me and sticking them with huge pins with feathers on the ends! I know that I am lucky Emmy is such a good sleeper, but honestly sometimes three and a half hours is just way too long for me to be patiently waiting for her to wake up!
Today I have felt like doing absolutely nothing all day, and I bribed myself with the promise that if I could finish the three loads of laundry I needed to do and sweep my floors, I could have a treat. So I made that deal with myself, if I did my chores I could have Taco Bell, it sounded good. So I put Emmy down for her nap, and got to work. I finished all my chores, and then decided to update my blog cause I hadn't bribed myself into any work beyond the two things listed above!(As you have probably noticed my blog has a new look today, and has sound! It is slowly evolving.) I looked up a website, downloaded a scrapbooking kit, looked up a tutorial on how to make my own blog design (six pages long printed out), and designed my own template. Then I made a playlist and loaded it on my blog, and noticed all my 'widgets' (I think thats what the stuff that is on the side of the posts?) were erased by making a new template, so had to redo them. Emmy was still sleeping. I seriously thought about waking her up so I could get out of the house, but she looked so peaceful sleeping when I went in her room. So I decided to keep playing around online waiting for her to wake up. Then the UPS lady brought me a order, new shoes yea! I tried them on, and got dressed for the day, clomped around in my new heels purposely making a lot of noise in hopes to waking my sleeping beauty, but she still kept sleeping. So an hour later I got back into my pajamas and settled into TV watching until my husband came home.
I know, I shouldn't complain, but man I got bored today!


Kathi said...

Oh how I feel your pain! Bored does not begin to describe how I feel in NE Arizona. Please, I beg, let me take back my 115 degree summers.

Bonnie said...

Hey Bek! It is so good to hear from you! I am so glad that you found my blog. We need to for sure keep in touch. Your little girl is SO cute! It looks like you are doing great!!

Celeste said...

I'll trade you any day of the week sis. I just wish Ty would sleep that long.

derrick said...

Yea Bek I do not feel sorry for you. Reagan naps are usually only 45 mins. long. I guess you will have to develop some new hobbies - food storage, ha!