Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sorry its been a while since I last posted. I have been extraordinarily busy these past few weeks. I don't know how it all necessarily started, but it was crazy! Emmy was sick for a few days, running a high fever with no apparent cause and just not feeling well. She was tired and didn't want to eat, but there was no tell tale puking, nose running, cough, or anything else. At first I thought it was just teething, but a teething fever shouldn't be at 104 degrees for two whole days! Anyway, as soon as she got to feeling better, I was running a fever! I think the lack of sleep and worrying about her constantly made me more suceptible to whatever bug she had. I missed a night of interviewing at work, and just felt like crap for a few days. This has been a busy time for me at work as well, I've been at the office every day to sort through a neverending pile of paperwork for the summer camp I'm in charge of coordinating. Sometimes I really think an entire rainforest is chopped down just to get the kids registered for my summer camp!

Dan has also been busy with school -- finals are approaching, and he has to apply to his program at the end of the sememster. He is busy with tests and projects and keeping up with work and his calling at church. Life has been extra stressful lately as our busy times are overlapping. Sometimes I swear I only see him long enough to give him a high five and instructions on what Emmy needs for the evening as I walk out the door to work, and by the time I get home he is asleep, sometimes I get home at 1:00 a.m. from the office. (seriously, that much paperwork)

We are both excited for school to be over and to be able to go on a trip in May with Dan's family. We are headed to Disneyworld! Dan's family members are big fans of the d-world, and we are so excited to be going and taking Emmy. Dan insists that she must grow to love the place as much as he has!

Emmy has been growing by leaps and bounds! She is such a chatterbox some days! I swear - sometimes she never stops talking. She also loves her books, even books like a road map of the US and a book of Sudoku puzzles Dan has. She points and talks and blabs about each page. Our little one is so active too! She runs everywhere, and loves to try to climb anything. We go to the park at least once a week, and she loves to climb to the highest playground and run back and forth on the bridges.
I don't have any cute pictures of Emmy to post, I really need to get a new camera -- when are the economic stimulus check coming? Here is a shot of Dan and I on our last Disney World vacation - three years ago. Until next post!


Anonymous said...

sorry its been so crazy! Im sure yesterday just added to the cake. You are awesome and Emmy is sooo cute. Kids at the park wednesday!

Kathi said...

1:00 a.m.! Ya, I'd say you were busy girl! I'm sure you guys are both ready for the summer, I'm not very good at not seeing Ryan so I'm sure you will appreciate having you hubby around more.

Bonnie said...

Disneyworld will be so much fun! We haven't been there, but we want to go. We just went to Disneyland a couple months ago and it was way fun! You sound like you need a vacation too!!

Kelly said...

Whoa you have been busy!! That was the longest post you have ever written! haha. Im sorry you two were sick. Im sure you are looking forward to this summer like we are..

love you so much!

Dannenbergs said...

I am sorry about the crazy schedules. I remember those brutal school days...hang in there it gets better eventually. At least that is what I am told and am hoping for still. :) I think it is part of God's test. School, marriage, no money, kids (all at the same time just to see if we've got the will power to stick it out.) I am getting pretty excited to DisneyWorld!

Mr. & Mrs. Smith said...

At least you have something to look forward to. That always makes things a little more bearable, for me at least. Have fun in Florida! Love ya!

Tawnya said...

ah disneyworld, Jason's family is the same way, half of his family was at disneyland last weekend and it was seriously considered if it should be our 5 month olds first experience or not!! (of course i was not considering it) but there will definitely be a love for all things disney instilled very young