Monday, July 21, 2008

I Heart Monsoons!!!

There is nothing like a Monsoon storm on a summer night! I love these weather phenomenons here in Arizona! We got so much rain that we had three small leaks we didn't even know about before! And one of the funniest things about the storms is how localized they are! It was raining elephants and buffaloes here in far East Mesa where we live - and we lost our power for 45 minutes - but our friends only seven miles away didn't get a drop! Emmy was a bit frightened by the lack of electricity, but she adapted well. A dear friend of ours, Theresa, has bought her several lighted toys that simulate candles, only with colored LCD lights. She felt so cool carrying her own 'cancko' (candle in Emmy talk) around the house in the dark! Here is a picture of tonight's adventures! We are just glad to not have huge floods, and to have the electricity back before bedtime!


Peter Lee Family said...

I love the monsoons also-they are so fun. You were lucky though our power was out for 3 hours and then on and off spuratically(don't know how to spell that word) all night.