Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's been a while ....

If you wonder why I haven't posted anything in a couple weeks, here is why! ....

This quilt was done for work, and it always seems to be a rush to the deadline, regardless of how well prepared I think I am :) The shapes were hand stitched on by my participants, and the quilt is put together by me. This is the fourth quilt I have made in this style for work. Its a fun but draining project. Luckily, I have lots of help from my family (thanks MOm and Dan)!!

While I was dead asleep from quilting until 1:30 a.m., Dan and Emmy had some fun mornings!

Emmy loves loves loves pancakes! I know if she won't eat anything else, she will usually eat these! Daddy is way more fun with making pancakes for Emmy than I am, isn't that the Daddy code? "Always have fun :)" That's how it is at our house, Daddy always makes things fun.

She is getting to be such a big girl, so much fun! She is quite the talker, and everything is changing to sentances, its no longer 'blanket' its 'I want blanket' or 'I found my blanket Mommy!'. It is like having my own personal sportscaster giving me a play by play of everything! Its so funny what she decides to point out and reiterate to me, wants to make sure I know that she knows whats going on :) Gotta love it, she is all girl!


Kelly said...

hahaha... i miss Ems. She really does need a little sis or brother though...

Kelly said...

PS that quilt turned out AWESOME!! NICE JOB!

Amber said...

Wow. That quilt rocks! I have to agree with you on the daddy thing. I went out for a girl's night the other night (yeah for those few and far between breaks!)and the second I walked in Cora said "Daddy let me eat marshmallows 3 times and ride my bike without a helmet but I'm not supposed to tell you."

Katie Wells said...

I've been waiting for you to do a new post! So I love the quilt - great job!! And I totally agree with your comment about daddy's having the ability make things fun. Andrew is totally like that. I'm often jealous about how imaginative he is when it comes to playing with Olivia. And this is funny, as I was reading your comment about Emmy saying, "I want blanket" Olivia was saying, "I want my blanket." What a weird coincidence.

Celeste said...

Wow, that quilt turned out great. They do every year though!

Lisa said...

Well, look at you! I wish I had the patience to piece a quilt! Emmy is getting HUGE!

sarahtuckett said...

Once again you have put together a fantastic quilt. You are so talented. You make your mom proud in the quilting area.... as well as many many other areas. Emmy is getting so big. So grown up. We've got to get together soon!

Summer said...

Who knew you had little mrs. housemaker in your blood; I am so proud of you. You are so well rounded.