Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Neela Rue
Posted by danberg at 6:04 PM 5 comments
Sunday, May 8, 2011
It's Been a While . . .
Okay ladies, I give in, here's a new post. I was talking to a best friend that moved to the dirty dirty south and she commented that she still pictures Maisy as a six month old baby. Yep, its time to update the blog. This is for my three main hecklers, you know who you are. :)
Posted by danberg at 10:01 AM 4 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
As kids get more into the holiday, it makes it worth every effort we put into the day as parents. Having Emmy be old enough to understand that Santa was coming and to really enjoy her presents, made it such a fun day! It was fun to start our own family traditions this year as well. There are lots of traditions different families have for Christmas and Christmas Eve, and I borrowed a few from some families I know.
Here are a few pictures of our sweet girls over the holidays.
Christmas Eve jammies.
Emmy dumping out the goods, she's a fast learner ;)
Maisy opening a gift.
Posted by danberg at 9:50 PM 5 comments
Emmy's 3rd Birthday
Our big girl is just getting so grown up! For her birthday, we had a small family party at the park. Her P-Paw was in town so that made her day! She is obsessed with Ariel, and almost every gift she got was themed around her favorite princess. She had a great time running around the park with her cousins, eating cake, opening presents, and overall enjoying the day. As a big three year old girl she is now going to Primary and loves it, she is just growing up so fast! We are so happy to have such a loving little girl and such a good big sister in our family.
Posted by danberg at 3:00 PM 4 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Maisy's Five & Six Months!
The older she gets, the less I remember to take a picture of this girl on her actual 'month-days'. She sure is a sweet and cute baby. She is getting too big, sitting up, eating baby food, trying to crawl, and is teething -- and a joy to have in our home. She is the happiest girl as long as Mommy is close by, she doesn't let me get too far.
Posted by danberg at 10:00 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Our Big Girl!
Emmy is finally potty trained! Okay, she's been potty trained for over a month now - ha! I have just not posted about it! Here is a picture of her picking out her big girl undies! She just had to have Brobee undies, she loves him so much! For those of you that don't know who he is, go to UTube and look up 'party in my tummy' by Yo Gabba Gabba. Its awesome!!!
And Yes, Emmy is the goofiest picture subject!!!
Posted by danberg at 3:11 PM 5 comments
Maisy three months and four!!!
Maisy has been such a sweet baby! She is definitely a different person than her big sis! She is finnicky and a total Mommy's girl, but yet so happy and sleeps so well!

Posted by danberg at 3:04 PM 3 comments