Sunday, May 8, 2011

It's Been a While . . .

Valentine's Day 2011

Okay ladies, I give in, here's a new post. I was talking to a best friend that moved to the dirty dirty south and she commented that she still pictures Maisy as a six month old baby. Yep, its time to update the blog. This is for my three main hecklers, you know who you are. :)

So, its been a busy year and a half since we last spoke. What have we been up to? Lots, and lots. These girls keep me busy.

Emmy is a VERY talkative four year old. She loves to talk and talk and talk. Anything princess or Disney is a favorite, or Pixar (yes she knows the difference). If I had a dime for every time she has said "Mom, that is NOT Disney, Dreamworks is NOT my favorite!" I might be able to pay back my student loan. She never stops making me laugh, or roll my eyes. She is a great big sister, and loves Maisy so much. They play very well together, and might not fight at all if Emmy weren't so bossy! (I wonder where she gets that, hmmmm) She is so excited we are having another girl, and can't wait to have a baby around. When we went for the ultrasound she assured me it would be a girl, she didn't want a brother because "Mom, boys just play too rough" -- she could use a little of that! She will be starting preschool in the fall, and can't wait. Seriously, she needs new people to talk to all day. Here are a couple pictures from Easter. We did rag curlers and they actually turned out.

Maisy is a busy busy busy girl. She moves fast, and is a bit crazy. Overall she's not a very difficult child, just a safety risk ;). Some days I really don't know how I am going to handle three, but it will work out, I'm sure. As an almost two year old, Maisy is quite talkative, but only Mommy understands what she says. She does use sentences, which is great, and would be better if she could enunciate. She runs everywhere, and is a tiny girl (only 20 pounds). She's been sick so much this spring, and I attribute that to her tendency to chew on everything. All day long I am saying "not in your mouth, Maisy". Grocery carts, shoes, toys, seatbelts, books, rocks, pretty much anything she can she will chew on. I am hoping this phase ends when her K9 teeth finally finish growing in. She is a moody teether. Here are a couple pictures of her from Easter. The second picture is her 'Uncle Layn face' -- some of you will recognize the face.

Dan and I are just plugging along. He is almost finished with his last semester of school. Just a couple final reviews to go. Then its on to the real world, job hunting! I am super pregnant, and this pregnancy has been a lot harder than the previous ones. This baby is nameless. Being the third girl, and because Dan and I have such different opinions on names, we have NO idea what to name her. Anyone have any suggestions? Please, really, we need help. We have read name books, looked at websites, I read the credits to every movie I watch waiting for inspiration to strike. So far, not much.

And just cause I updated the blog, don't get any unreasonable expectation about my frequency blogging ;) Hopefully I will get pictures of the new baby up by Christmas, right? Really, blogging is a struggle for me. I don't find my life very interesting. I don't make really cute crafts, throw great parties, go on wonderful vacations, take my kids pictures very often, or really have a very blog-worthy existence. And I'm totally okay with that!

So, until next post . . . . . .


the Gardners said...

Oh, they are getting sooo big! Cute looking girls! Hurray for Dan's last semester! We just finished, too. And congratulations on you upcoming baby! You sure do have a lot to celebrate!

As for names I can only pass on a name my brother tried very hard for me to name my daughter (we don't really have a girl's name list, either) Percephany (Persephone) and he told us we could call her "Percie" for short. Yah, so I don't think I am much help! My mom went to the hospital with a list of 10 names when my lil sister was born because they couldn't agree. That way they did not have to cancel out eachother's favorite name! I'm sure a perfect one will come, it has to or you'll end up with a name like my niece Violet because she came out so fast she was bruised and purple!

Whoa, long comment. Sorry! Glad to see you are doing well!

Summer said...

Yeah!!! All my nagging finally worked. Your little girls are so cute. Neither look like my Raboobie (haha). I miss you and look forward to playing when I come to visit in June.

Blake and Alisa said...

i don't know if i have seen a picture of your girls since maisy was born! hey and by the way i've tried calling you. call me back!

Jen Ketcher said...

Wow, a post! I totally looked at your blog by chance--I had given up on you. But what a happy surprise! Your girls are DARLING. So cute. And congratulations on the new one coming! When are you due? (Now I feel like I'm writing you an email! Maybe I should.) Um, a friend just had a baby girl and named her Roxie Lee. So cute. Another friend has a girl named Presley. Also really like that. Good luck!