Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Back from Vacation

We are back, and I am working on a post that will probably be too long with tons of pictures, but in the meantime my friend Marquita posted this fun game, I thought it was too fun!

Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Have a good trip down Memory Lane!


Bonnie said...

I remember...Provo, the year 2000, we were driving in your big blue car and we were on a scavenger hunt. We were going so fast and didn't realize that there was a big speed bump ahead..when we hit it, the car flew into the air and we all hit the ceiling. We couldn't stop laughing. I am laughing just thinking about that night. We had good times!!!

danberg said...

Bon - I totally remember that! How funny! That night was crazy and fun too! Thanks for the great memory :)

danberg said...
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Marquita said...

Bekah, I total forgot about Owen and my hubcaps. Too funny!

Ok, I remember going to your house with Shelly to make cookies. And when we walked into the kitchen I saw an Elvis clock. It was the one where Elvis' hips swung from side to side. Remember? I had the same clock in my bedroom.

I remember girls camp with your ward at Camp LoMia.

And going to Basha's to buy flowers for Melanie and Shelly after that horrible accident.

Some sad memories, but really good ones too!

Tawnya said...

i wish i had a really cool memory, but i only have a couple of times that we came and visit taught you. nothing specific, just that you were always fun to talk to, and that i had a good time. oddly enough though i have one about your dad... jason was his home teacher, and every month he would call jason and say 'can you come home teach us on wednesday at 7, that will work for us' ha! he loved it. you have a great family!

Shelly said...

I have so many fun and funny memories of you. I don't know that I have a favorite and my memory is not good with details so here are a few highlights...

Diet Coke!!!
Driving around in the
Going to School dances
Gossiping in your room
Working for your dad aka checking out the cute guy at the office!
Ditching to go to MHS
Sharing clothes
Visiting you at BYU
The Taurus
Laughing till I peed!

We need to make some more memories together! Love remanicing!

Lisa said...

I was looking at Katie's blog and saw your name. I wanted to post a hello, and thought what perfect timing. Ohhh so many lovely memories soo long ago. I would definitely say any night at the yellow house and your laugh! I hope all is well! much love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

You and I rolled up our pants and splashed in the fountain at the mall.