Thursday, September 20, 2007

Super Emmy

I tell you, being a mother is great, always something new and
different. Emmy is getting her fourth tooth, the second front tooth on
the top. It has completely cut through and now just needs to keep
growing in. She is a champ at teething, just gets a bit cranky now and

Lately her favorite thing to do is read. She crawls up to her toy
basket and starts to pull out all her books. She loves to sit on the
floor surrounded by them just flipping through their pages, usually
upside down.

Here is a video of our Sunday mornings. Since our church
doesn't start until 3 p.m. - we have lots of time to read the Sunday
paper and stuff. Emmy really likes to look at all the ads.

I have remembered a very important moment in my young life today. I recall a
day when I was very young, a disappointing day, the day I realized in
my very young mind .....
that Cookie Monster doesn't really eat the cookies, just breaks them up
and throws them around. Yes, that was a sad day.

Love to all, Bekah


Dannenbergs said...

I love when they are easily entertained. It is fun to see what they'll do with simple things like newspaper. Paul still eats it... Emmy is so cute.

Celeste said...
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Celeste said...

There isn't a day that goes by where the things she does makes me laugh and laugh.