Friday, February 1, 2008

Emmy....... trapped

Emmy just loves to play in corners. Something about tight spaces suits her just fine. She will scoot chairs out from walls about six inches and squeeze her saggy bottom behind them to play in the tiny space she created. I know, I think its a little weird myself. Maybe all kids do this?
Well, the desk we have at the end of our front room has a small area the chair fits. She loves to scoot it out just enough to squeeze back there and most of the time she brings a book to read, or whatever her 'treasure' is at that moment (in this picture it is an old cell phone of mommy's & her Elmo trick or treat bucket). The other morning I was putting a load of laundry in, and I heard her frustration cry, and it got louder. I peeked my head around the corner and saw that she had trapped herself underneath the chair and couldn't get out. It was so cute, she was so mad and all I could do was laugh and take a picture. Maybe that makes me mean, but it was too cute to pass up the photo opportunity.


Kelly said...

hahaha... im laughing out loud. She is soo adorable!!

Celeste said...

It is pretty much the funniest thing when she gets trapped!